Ode to Travel Shoes

Carolyn Schott

The best shoes ever. EVER. These little beauties draw compliments when I wear them to the office with a skirt, yet are undaunted by the ankle-twisting paths of an African village. They’re right at home at a dressy British theater, yet sturdy enough to tromp through German vineyards or pound eight miles of Dubai’s never-ending…

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Connoisseur? Or Crazed About Seeds?

Carolyn Schott

I love road trips. There’s nothing that says summer to me more than the open road ahead of me and several days of driving. Growing up, travel was defined for me by our family trips to North Dakota and Minnesota to visit the aunts and uncles and cousins. That made for some long days of…

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Duct Tape: Don’t Leave Home Without It

Carolyn Schott

My flirtation with duct tape as an indispensible travel accessory started in Ireland. I was at the beginning of a two-month trip through Europe when my favorite hair conditioner tube sprung a leak. While I knew this was somewhat less than a tragedy, I still didn’t want two months of bad hair days from using…

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