Carolyn Schott

Entering Greek Mode

June 27, 2013 | Comments Off on Entering Greek Mode
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Carolyn Schott

I feel myself slipping into Greek mode. That mindless state of being in which you expect that things won’t work.…

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A Tiny Slice of Travel

March 21, 2013 |
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Carolyn Schott

One thing I like about travel is that it takes you out of your own space—home, culture, daily routine—so you…

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…and a Night in Teplitz

March 6, 2012 |
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Carolyn Schott

The hospitality was bounteous, if not terribly personalized. A short visit with the mayor and his wife, then they handed…

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A Day in Benkendorf…

March 3, 2012 | Comments Off on A Day in Benkendorf…
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Carolyn Schott

The stout, kerchiefed woman took one look at the Americans appearing in her village and whisked herself away from the…

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Looking for a Charmer

February 9, 2012 | Comments Off on Looking for a Charmer
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Carolyn Schott

It had all the makings of a charming mountain town. There was its well-preserved historic district and its past as…

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Red, White, and Blue in the Land of Blue and White

January 21, 2012 | Comments Off on Red, White, and Blue in the Land of Blue and White
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Greek and American flags

(Originally written on July 3, 2011) My memory of past Fourth of Julys is a blurred collage of barbeques and…

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Up a Mountain, Out of a Rut

May 22, 2011 | Comments Off on Up a Mountain, Out of a Rut
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Carolyn Schott

A year ago, my idea of a hike was a brisk walk around Green Lake. In fact, I was convinced…

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Snow Tourist

January 30, 2011 |
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Carolyn Schott

Traveling is all about visiting new locales and seeing interesting and unusual sights, isn’t it? When you think of exotic…

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Planes, Trains, and Toboggans

January 29, 2011 |
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Carolyn Schott

I’ve sometimes wondered what it would be like to ride a luge, lying on your back, careening downhill at the…

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No Way Out

January 17, 2011 | Comments Off on No Way Out
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Carolyn Schott

If you’re stuck in a blizzard, there are worse places to be than a cozy house overlooking a snow-covered lake,…

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