Carolyn Schott

The Faces of Ukraine: Why I Care

January 26, 2014 |
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Carolyn Schott

Visiting ancestral towns is bad. When you travel, you fall in love with some destinations for their natural beauty or…

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Puddle-jumping to Christmas

December 22, 2013 | Comments Off on Puddle-jumping to Christmas
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I think it was the smallest commercial plane I’ve ever been on. Every seat was a window seat … and…

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Connectivity Junkie in Search of Wifi

December 8, 2013 | Comments Off on Connectivity Junkie in Search of Wifi
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Carolyn Schott

In 1991, a Greek wanting a new phone usually had to wait several years to get one. I was told…

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Fading Family Roots

October 20, 2013 | Comments Off on Fading Family Roots
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Carolyn Schott

I went to a funeral last week and met my childhood. The funeral celebrated the 94 years of life of…

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The Borders Are Closed

September 11, 2013 |
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Carolyn Schott

I was in Germany on 9/11. While my friends and family started their day with the news of the attack,…

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Ancestral Village Homecoming

August 2, 2013 | Comments Off on Ancestral Village Homecoming
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Carolyn Schott

I’ve found a new reason to love Greece. Of course I love it because I lived there years ago. When…

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Hiking the Pilgrims’ Path in Delphi

July 18, 2013 | Comments Off on Hiking the Pilgrims’ Path in Delphi
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Carolyn Schott

Most people go to Delphi to visit the archeological ruins. Having seen these multiple times, I decided to experience the…

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All Road Signs Lead to Athens

July 17, 2013 |
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Carolyn Schott

…even if all the roads don’t. I seem to be destined to get lost in Thiva (Thebes). The first time…

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At Home in Greece

July 8, 2013 |
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Carolyn Schott

It’s amazing how easy it is to slip back into life in Greece. Even when I’m walking streets I never…

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Fish Feeding on My Feet

July 7, 2013 |
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Carolyn Schott

People often seem surprised that I don’t mind traveling on my own. And of course, I’m the first to agree…

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